
(posted on 11 Mar 2013)

Hello to all my lovely dollie friends!

Spring seems to be here and I am feeling very good about projects lined up for this year.

As most of you know, the last three years have been challenging in many ways for me, personally, and I have had an ongoing battle with healing my right hand that I injured due to overwork in January of 2012. I have therefore done very little work over these past three years, and not offered many heads for sale on their own at all. I hope this year to be able to offer more HEADS ONLY.

Time will tell how my hand holds up to the work.

In spite of the condition of my hand I have managed to get two pourings done already this year and so, my dears, here are the upcoming dolls for this year.

Please write if you want something reserved for you. There will be ONLY ONE OF EACH HEAD MADE and possibly two of a very few dolls.

A. Marque Milette, Steiner A 9, Belton Linda, Mystery Mirage, Jewel Eyes, Stobe Portrait Jumeau, Sonneburg Child, SFBJ Twirp Toddler, Bru Brevete, Jumeau Triste, S&H 769 Kara, K*R 114 Gretchen, A. Marque, A9T, L'Intrepide Bebe, Antique Elise II, Queen Louise, Kestner 14, Crescent Bru Bebe, Rare Rabery & Delphieu, Bourgoin Steiner, Bebe Francaise, Full lips Tete Jumeau, H-doll Helene, Long Face Cody Jumeau with applied ears. Lillianne Portrait Jumeau with applied ears, PAN, Rare Pintel & Godschaux P13G, Jumeau Arrielle II, E12J, EJA Simone, A11T, A12T, Twirp large child, Large Mein Liebling, Large Antique Elise, Bru jne R, A14T, A15T, Paris Bebe Daniele.

I also have several lady dolls ready to dress or partly made.

It's going to be quite a year!

I have also designed a new German doll wig with braids over the head in mohair and they have already arrived, so it is going to be fun to see how they will look on all the new German heads that I have poured.

I love the painted eye German dolls and so there are going to be a few of those offered this year.

Wishing you all a very happy Spring!

Lots of dollie love, Emily