Emily Hart Dolls | Antique Reproduction Porcelain Dolls |
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A long time ago, I have been looking for something special to be proud of, and because of my big love for children, I have found what I want in Emil's beautiful dolls.
Thank you, GREAT EMILY , thank you very much
khamis alzaabi
- 21 Jul 2020
I just bought a doll head, A9T, which i am absolutely thrilled to be receiving!! I want to thank you for all the amazing sharing you have done on your site... such honesty, really telling everything! Your book, personal details in your blog; and you've been absolutely amazing in your communications with me. The best seller yet!! I have bought all the pieces for my doll to make her complete, and I purchased a lovely orange and white lace hand made gown on ebay just now! I am so happy!!! I'll always be thankful that i ran into you and your wonderful creations... and that you can still work with your health concerns!
Keep up the GREAT work!!!
Laura S
- 18 Apr 2016
I found your website by random searching through Ebay but I can't help but feel it was some how directed. Your dolls are absolutely beautiful and exactly what I have been looking for to study and to hopefully make one day. Your story is an inspiration to the human spirit and your work has fueled my imagination. Thank you.
Karen Allen
- 10 Mar 2016
Thank you for the whole site.....and your book. I go to your site to look at the dolls and dream.....and the I read your book a few times. It's so good to realize I'm Not Alone, and there are so many of us out there trying to heal. I shook each time I read it, and I know I am on the right path to healing, but the wound sometimes is opened.
I'm so glad your hand is better, and have been trying the food idea myself.
- 6 Jul 2015
Hello Emily,
Your dolls are amazingly beautiful. Your attention to detail is remarkable! I'm so glad that I found your website so that I can admire your work and hopefully one day purchase one of your gorgeous dolls. Sincerely, Kim :)
Kim Goa
- 8 Apr 2015
Emily made me a Jumeau 208 and a Heubach "Grumpy" in 2001. They sit in my doll cabinet amongst my antique dolls and they are
truly treasured just as much. I am so glad I found Emily to create them for me.
Peggy Dohan
- 15 Mar 2015
HI, Emily, just read your blog, hope you can find a way to keep things going. I agree that antique reproductions have become a very niche market, but we are out there. I have three of your doll heads, and could never have had such lovely ladies in my collection without you. Thanks! Would you consider making another one of the Kestener oriental child heads? I would get the body from you too.
Linda Gilmore
- 18 Feb 2014
hi emily will hopefully see you soon 20.8.-10.9. in b.c. I still remember the making of my doll in your quadra studio... love walla
waltraud murray
- 12 Aug 2013
Dear Emily, What magic comes through those fingers!! Pleeease the Universe will keep it coming. I delight in your dolls, their wigs, and gorgeous costumes, color combinations, laces, all! Ah! for one little smidgen of your talent!! What joy you give to the rest of us doll and beauty lovers! Thank you! Look at all these exclamation marks - LOL!
Abbie in Massachusetts
Abbie Alvin
- 22 May 2013
Dear Emily, you have made very beautiful dolls!!Your dolls are perfect. I love them!!
I hope you still can make dolls in the future.
You are the QUEEN of the dollmakers!!
With love, Elisabeth
Elisabeth Nederpel
- 1 Sep 2012
Emily: your dolls continue to be just beautiful, even with your sore hand! I do want to remain on your mailing list! Thank you for continuing efforts to create beautiful dolls for us! Blessings - Carolanne
Carolanne Watson
- 4 Aug 2012
Hi Emily
Your dolls are fantastic
Best, Inger Møller
Inger Møller
- 21 Jan 2012
Dear Emily! Your reproduction of Bru dolls are fantastic! I like it!
- 4 Mar 2011
Jim Ryerson
- 19 Dec 2010
Dear Emily: When I received my new dolls, I was ecstatic! I just oohed and awed and just kept on smiling for a long time! As I said before, your dolls are truly magical..That is what drew me to them in the first place. When I look at them, they transport me to wonderful places where I never want to leave! I am grateful for all the care and details that goes into each and every doll..The costumes are remarkable.Your dolls are truly museum quality ..You are an artist before your time! Blessings - Carolanne
Carolanne Watson
- 7 Jul 2010
Dear Emily: Just wrote to you about your dolls! I said that I thought that I had just died and gone to heaven, or I was looking at the most beautiful dolls ever. I have several of Mary Lambeth's dolls -- So now I think that you BOTH are the very best doll artists ever! There's such an ethereal quality about both of your dolls and clothing! I will continue to visit your doll site when I feel down...Your dolls will help raise my spirits! Blessings to you. Carolanne Watson - Hagerstown, MD
Carolanne Watson
- 10 Jun 2010
Hi Emily, I am a Dollmaker from Austria.http://www.puppenstudio-brigitte.com, I love Antique Dolls. Your Dolls are wonderful.Thanks for the nice website. Brigitte
Brigitte Ritsch
- 12 Apr 2010
Your dolls are becoming even more stunning. I do not think your latest Halopeau with her gorgeous outfit can be surpassed.
I don`t know how you do it---just better and better!
Janice A. Watt
- 19 Dec 2009
Dear Emily your works is beauituful and i wishes that i have known you years ago i lives in east coast of pa your sewings is wonderful and good seamstress i hope to hear from you soon wonderful story of your life anna ehmke
anna Ehmke
- 31 Jul 2009
Your work is Amazing! Enjoyed your site...Thanks http://www.hickspics.net
- 26 Jul 2009
Hi Emily,
I am new to doll collecting & I am glad I found your site! You do absolutely fabulous work, yout talent will be missed when you retire! I wish you gave instruction in my area, KY. I must add that Mary Lambert's clothing is simply outstanding too! I wish I could buy them all :) I never tire of looking!
Jayme Hall
- 22 Feb 2009
Your site looks great Em. Great to see you still have such a great spark. Beautiful work!
Stevie and Aw
- 1 Feb 2009
- 27 Jan 2009
Hi Emily, I'm Jack's daughter. Your dolls are gorgeous!!! What alot of work you do and such great detail.
Dawn Palmerley
- 9 Dec 2008
love you Emily and Mary for your dolls ! Leon Casimir Bru must be happy there is someone faithfuly understanding his creation.
- 22 Sep 2008
What gorgeous dolls, I enjoyed my visit to your website very much
Catherine Gabriel
- 22 Sep 2008
Emily your work still is among the top doll artist of the world. Nice to see you are doing a web site. Janice
Janice Orbison
- 30 Aug 2008
Hi Em., I love this new website. Now I can see more of your dolls that you have sold before showing them to the world. They are incredible. You are the greatest artist I have ever seen. Your ora and soul shows through with every doll you make. I treasure the two that I have of yours. Thank you so much for sharing your work with all of us. You always make my day. Big Hugs and Kisses, Jimmy Lindsay
Jimmy Lindsay
- 19 Jul 2008
Emily, Your dolls are delightful Eye Candy! They come to life with your skill as a painter and your inate gifts. Thank you for being a true artist.
Janice Anne Watt
- 18 Jul 2008
Emily You have done a wonderful job on your new
website. Your dolls are so beautiful, exquisite
painting, I should know I have many of them. You are a talented lady and are among the top doll artists. I love having your new website to view the dolls.
Barbara Carter
- 17 Jul 2008
Thanks for making such gorgeous dolls so that collectors like myself can enjoy your beautiful creations.
Colleen Oosthuizen
- 17 Jul 2008
Emily....your dolls are exquisite! You are the most talented doll artist I have ever seen! I love the website! I have seen many of these dolls in person and know first hand how awesome your work is. You are truly one of a kind! Keep up the good work. YOUR name will go down in history. Hugs and love, Carol
Carol Crowley
- 16 Jul 2008
Emily, I met you briefly at the Victoria BC Show, know you don't have a clue in the world as to who I am but I loved your dolls in person and I love the pictures that Carol e-mails me and you are such a gifted person. PS, I also loved your fantasy dolls!
Oh, ps, you are truly the Goddess of Dollmakers!
Sarah Small
Sarah Small
- 12 Jul 2008
I LOVE your website, Emily! There are sooo many dolls I want to comment on! It's wonderful to have this space to view them all on.
Love, C
Cyndi Fields
- 10 Jul 2008
I love the way you are going with your new web site. It will be so informative when you are through. Thanks for sharing your dolls with me. Jimmy
Jimmy Lindsay
- 8 Jul 2008
Hi Emily! Love your dollies!
Lauralynn York
- 6 Jul 2008