
(posted on 18 Sep 2010)

Hello everyone... and thank you so much for all the love and prayers ... As a Mother to lose my dear son at such a young age, has been more than I can bear and so I have not done much work at all since the beginning of August...

Little by little, I am getting back into some work and hope to present new dolls and heads again.... but it is going slowly...

I am pretty wrecked and just getting by moment to moment, day by day.... I have little will to live right now, nevermind finding a creative flow...

I would like to sell my doll business if anyone is interested...I will train you if you are serious and you will pick up everything from my Studio here in Campbell River, B.C. Canada. I will sell all or half of the inventory as may be negotiated... but I am not interested in selling off bits and pieces... I have molds for about 350 dolls and many of them are for modern dolls as well as a huge inventory of dollmaking supplies, paints, doll accessories. I am not interested in selling all the Antique doll molds without selling the moderns with them.

I have a significant number of Robert Tonner mint in box dolls if anyone is interested in purchasing all of them together... other wise they will most likely be offered for sale on this website or on ebay in January. I have put the ebay store on Vacation until January when I will present many items such as patterns, books, tech sheets, paints, accessories, laces, and more if I am able to get them all photographed and listings made up... It is a lot of work for me to do alone... I just know I need to let go of a lot of inventory...

Love and Blessings Emily Hart