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Blog(posted on 6 May 2020)
Dear lovely doll friends... I painted on new dolls only once in the past two years because I have not been feeling very well. I have made a few doll's costumes and if I offered them for sale my long-time repeat buyers scooped them up. I am going to be 75 years old this year... I don't know how many more dolls or doll heads I will be able to make in future, but my passion is still strong when I am feeling okay to work. Depression and lack of energy as well as a great deal of pain from Arthritis has been a huge factor in my not producing very much. I have had dreams of making "Masterpieces" for so many years I have kept the very finest Antique laces aside, always thinking "one day I will use these"... but the years have gone by and I have them still in boxes... I have very beautiful silk velvets, silk taffetas, embroidered silk taffetas, silk brocades, and jacquard-woven silks to work with... More than I can ever use... I do have a lot of Duppioni pure silks that I may offer for sale if ever I can make up doll dressmaking Kits again as I used to with a variety of lovely rayon laces... I have literally hundreds of yards of silks and rayon laces that are very beautiful but I will never live long enough to use them up. NOW... I am finally using the rarest and best Antique laces and have recently made some very complex and beautiful costumes and the first one I posted on eBay and she sold within 48 hours... Bebe Bru Brevete that you can see photos of with red Antique mohair wig on. The Bebe Bru known as Crescent and also Circle Dot Bru is still for sale at the time of my writing this. The costume is fabulous and the doll is really my best painting. I have some of my ultimate best dolls for sale now as I am letting go of my own personal collection little by little as I have no heirs that are interested in dolls... ( my only remaining son has zero interest and only laments that he will be burdened with my dolls upon my demise ) So... I guess it is time to start selling some of them. Today I set eyes in five new heads that I did a final painting on yesterday... These heads sat on a tray in my Studio since February of 2019... just waiting for one last final touch-up painting... Yes, I did not pick up a paintbrush for 14 months! I had a mental block and depression... I have five incredible Musical and Mechanical dolls ready to dress and add the accessories to. I am making five very tiny but jointed dolls for them to hold. I have searched endlessly for very tiny hand-woven baskets for them, but can not find any. I wanted to add a second tiny doll into a basket so that each Mechanical doll would have two more tiny dolls with it. I will make each costume in different colours of fabulous silks and I will use my very finest hand made Antique laces for them. One will be red silk and black Antique lace... One will have neutral silk colour with fancy Antique trims and on and on... These will be costly as I am no longer able to get the mechanical bodies that I had ordered at great cost and waited half a year to get them. The doll heads I can make the mechanicals with are Long Face Jumeau, Phenix Bebe, & Halopeau Bebes. My next doll heads to be made will be Bru dolls as that is what everyone seems to want. I have about 20 different Bru doll head molds from a very tiny 7 inch Bru Brevete to the larges Byron 400 mold Bru jne 13 that fits a 22 inch body. As I am only making one of each please be sure to contact me if you wish to reserve and make a deposit on any one size. You may reserve one of the heads by writing to me dolls@emilyhart.com I am open to working with you for a payment plan that works for us both. I send all items with a tracking number at no extra cost to you upon completion of your payments. Most all of my items are also available through my eBay and Etsy Stores where I am able to post many more photos of each item. Of the five new heads, two are already spoken for. I will have a beautiful very rare EJA head with blue eyes, a PAN with light brown eyes, and a Schmitt & fils with blue/grey eyes to sell. Thank you to everyone who has been my lovely doll friends for all these 30 years I have been earning my living making dolls. These are strange times when people have been restricted in their freedoms... I have been in lockdown in my home for the past 56 lonely days... No one to talk to or get a hug from... Yet I am determined to keep going here and keep the sunshine in my heart... Love to everyone.... Emily