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Blog(posted on 23 Mar 2016)
Hello my lovely doll friends! I am remiss in not sending out a newsletter for so long. I do wonder where the time goes... So much has been happening. As many of you know, New York Doll Products has closed their body making plant in the U.S. and is no longer offering doll bodies for sale. The good news is the Beckie Decker has bought out Bell, Byron, & Collectible Doll Company and is now making doll bodies in Texas... You can write to her for any size of French or German doll bodies to info@thebellcollection.com I am anxiously awaiting a full list of bodies and prices from her. I have been working hard on my own health and feeling better and now, working more. Yesterday I was able to put overall wash on many new heads that I am working on... so you can expect this year some heads or dolls you have not seen for a few years, like the two largest Brus I can make... Bru jne 15 and Bru jne 13 in the largest size to make up to be 27 inch dolls... Most of the heads I am working on now are the larger sizes I can make as many of them have not been made for more than a year. Here are the heads I am painting now... A15T, A14T, A12T, A11T, A9T, Bru jne 15, Bru jne 14, Largest Bru jne 13, Bru jne 13, the Virginia LaVorgna Bru jne 11, Bru jne R 13, Small Bru jne 10, Paris Bebe Jumeau, Large Figure A Steiner, Bebe Francaise, Rare Rabery & Delphieu Bebe, Large and small Halopeau 5 H Bebe, L’Intrepide Bebe, Large Rare Pintel & Godchaux P13G, Bru Brevete There are also many new Milette heads in the works that are only needing two more paintings and firings before I can select eyes for them. There are other dolls in the works also, so keep looking both on my site and my ebay store, where many more photos are available. If you have any particular heads you want reserved for you, please let me know. I have been digging around in my drawers of previously painted heads and body parts and have finished a few Modern porcelain dolls that I had started as long as 14 years ago... They are not very sought after these days, but they are truly gorgeous dolls and it is hard to find Modern dolls with Hand Glass Craft French Paperweight eyes in them and mohair wigs... silk dresses etc... I am open to reasonable offers and payment plans for these modern dolls. I have a plan to do a huge pouring again very soon as I did pour all the larger heads, but now I will pour the mid size heads that fit the 13.5 to 16.5 inch bodies that have proved to be very popular... There are molds here for literally hundreds of dolls and some I have never poured even one time! I rarely pour any of the Antique babies... but I have lots of them if you are interested... I am always interested in any input from you all... Please let me hear from you... Emily Hart