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Blog(posted on 30 Jan 2012)
Hello my lovely doll friends….
This is my first newsletter in quite some time… long overdue.
It’s not too late to wish you all a very Happy New Year for 2012!
It has been a great pleasure for me to have been making dolls these past 21 years, and I have not yet lost my passion for this wonderful creative art.
Since closing my Teaching Studio nine years ago, I have concentrated my efforts on making Authentic Reproductions of Antique dolls as this has been one of my best accomplishments and what most of my long time loyal customers have wanted from me.
This year I am making a departure from this work and just doing “my own thing” with the new dolls.
It doesn’t mean I won’t present any more of the kind of heads or dolls I am most known for, but each one I present could possibly be the very last one of its kind that I will make.
I am already working on some “modern dolls” that I have not made at all or for many years, babies and toddlers and little girls, and also non-authentic reproduction dolls. That is, I have in the works already some dolls using techniques you may never have seen before.
I will make ONE OF A KIND dolls using the molds from the rarest Antique dolls in entirely new ways…
Some of you may think it a sacrilege to make such a departure from tradition, but I am getting much too old to put my dreams on hold any longer.
I will also present my own interpretation of “glass dolls” and hope to go back to doing some raised paste and gold work that I did extensively ten years ago, but stopped once I moved to my new Studio nine years ago.
The raised paste and gold work is extremely labor intensive and also costly as the gold goes up and down with the price of gold, but the effect is amazing on dolls and gives me unlimited possibilities for creating Masterfully.
Today I have just finished cleaning enough greenware to fill up the entire kiln with new heads for a high fire. These were mostly poured this year, and some models have not been made for a long while…
I have so many molds and there is only one of me to do all aspects of the porcelain work from the pouring of the heavy molds to the many layers of paintings and firings and making of the jewelry and choosing of the wigs for each one.
Clothing for the most part has been a collaboration with Mary Lambeth over the past five years, but that also will change and I will be making some amazing outfits myself for the ONE OF A KIND ART DOLLS.
I will still offer the Mary Lambeth clothing on the Authentic Reproductions if and when I am able to get more.
New wigs are on order as well as possibly the last Jim Vickerman bodies I will be able to get, as Jim and Joyce are about to retire and enjoy travel and time with their family… I wish them all happiness in their retirement.
If we are fortunate, Jim will find someone to take over his body making business… let’s hope.
Love and Blessings to everyone, Emily Hart |