Emily Hart Dolls | Antique Reproduction Porcelain Dolls |
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Blog(posted on 29 May 2011)
Hello to everyone who has added their name to my mailing list and for those who just read my news on the site... It has been a long time since I sent out a message to you, as this has been a challenging time since last Summer when I lost my son, Joseph.... Thank you to everyone who has written and encouraged me to continue on with my dollmaking. Now I feel I have come to a place of peace and acceptance and have been able to get my focus back into my dollmaking. Introducing my newest wig style "Mindy", named after my niece, you can see it on the fabulous "Queen Louise" head that is now for sale in the "Heads for Sale" Gallery. This wonderful new wig style is now in stock in many sizes and colors with more on the way, and will be appearing mostly on the German dolls in future, however it can also be for any other finished doll or head you may wish to order. I am very excited about this new wig style. As much as I wanted to "retire" and just make dolls as a hobby, it is not what is the best for me, or even what I can affrord to do, so I am again working hard and have started many new and wonderful heads and dolls. There will be appearing as soon as possible some new faces that I have never made before as well as many that are the most popular and get snapped up often before I can even list them. I am working on EJA, E12J & Portrait Jumeaux with applied ears, Bebe Francaise, A9T, A12T, Intrepide Bebe, Belton "Linda", Crescent Bru Bebe in two sizes, Bru 11 with huge eyes, from the Virginia LaVorgna mold, Halopeau in two sizes, SFBJ 247 "Twirp" child, Rare Jumeau 203, Jumeau Ariel in two sizes, Tete Jumeau with teeth, Bru jne 8, Bru jne 3, Rare Pintel & Godschaux P13G, as well P10G Milette size, Bru Brevete in two sizes, Bru jne 11 "Shandele", Huret, French Mystery Bebe, and many German dolls such as the very rare Bruno Schmidt "Wendy", and others with intaglio eyes wiil also be coming up soon. I have nine differet Milette heads now fired to bisque and ready to paint. ( 16 heads in all). Please let me know if you want anything reserved for you. Most everyone knows I work alone so it is quite some time from the pouring of the molds to the finished heads or dolls, however, I am well into these now, and spent much time yesterday evening sanding bisque and scrubbing the heads in preparation for the first painting... Each head will require 6 to 8 firings to build up the color so it does take time. Thank you all for your continued support of me in my doll art.... Love, Emily Hart